Pascal Super Library
Pascal Super Library (CW International)(1997).bin
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165 lines
Documentation for MAKEHELP.EXE
(C) Copyright 1991, Tansin A. Darcos & Company
Commercial Rights Reserved
"Above all else...We shall go on..."
_"...And continue!"_
Release 1.0, July 5, 1991
Document Overview
This document is used to describe how to use the program MAKEHELP, a
program which generates the program code to create an internal help document
for use in a computer program. This document is designed for the user of that
program who has some computer programming experience.
MAKEHELP was developed over 4 years ago to fill a need which I had at the
time, to create an on-line, pop-up help for use in a program. The first time
I did this, I designed the help from scratch. Then I had to change it to add
new features, which was a pain in the, err, someplace. So I sat down (after
making sure I was less sore) and wrote this program that takes a text file and
generates program code to use the text file in a program. Note that you can
then take the generated program text file and adapt it as needed. It has been
compiled using Turbo Pascal 6.0, and is being distributed to the public for
the first time.
How to use
First, using any text editor, or word processor which creates non-document
text, including the editor supplied with Turbo Pascal or Turbo C, you will now
create the original text file which is the set of help messages which is to be
incorporated into the program. You type in the sentences and examples that
are to show up on screen exactly as you want them to appear. Each help
message is a paragraph of text and is separated from the next one by an empty
line. Do not confuse an empty line with a blank line: an empty line has
nothing before the RETURN that you type in; a blank line has one or more
spaces. If you want a blank line in the text of a message, be sure you use
one space. If your editor will not save the one space lines, use a single
period, then edit the lines which only have a period as the only character on
the text, to change them to a single blank. Save this text file to any
desired name. For consistency, I suggest using the extension '.HLP' for the
text to be passed to MAKEHELP.
Second, execute MAKEHELP. Press Return to skip the help screen. Type in
the name of the text file you created including the extension, and press
RETURN. MAKEHELP will then prompt you for the new name of the output file to
be included in your program. It will suggest a file of the same name as the
one you gave it, but with the extension .INC for the file it will create. If
this is acceptable, press RETURN, otherwise type in the name of the output
Third, in the constant definitions for your program, include a line of
where FILENAME.INC is the name of the output file created by MAKEHELP. You
then create a help procedure to access this material, and where appropriate in
the program, you call the help procedure. The sample program CALC.PAS shows
how to use the MAKEHELP facility in a program. Another example occurs in the
MAKEHELP program itself; if you press the F1 key, a help screen pops up, and
you can select any number there for more information. Generally, you use the
generated indexes into the text that state starting line number and number of
lines to display. By copying the help routine from CALC.PAS you can display
help as appropriate.
One of the competitive advantages in programming today is to make programs as
"easy to use" as possible; this means that things like context-sensitive help,
available at a touch of a key, become very important in the use of a program.
These features could mean the difference between a program that is rejected
and one that can be sold. In the case of shareware programs, this could make
the difference on whether someone pays for it or not. This program isn't all
that important, but it is one of the things a computer can do well; take over
some of the drudge work that a programmer otherwise has to accomplish.
About the generated code
This program takes your input text document and changes it into code which may
then be passed to any version of the Turbo Pascal Compiler. I note this
because I took the same program which was written for Turbo Pascal version 3
and recompiled it using version 6. The code it generates is identical, and I
also note that the program generated its own on-line help.
The generated code may be used with Turbo Pascal version 3 or higher, or with
other compilers that support initialized constants.
This document and the accompanying binary program are copyrighted. The copy-
right holder hereby waives his exclusive right to reproduce copies to allow
the reproduction of this instruction guide and the binary program, as well as
the enclosed sample program 'CALC.PAS', the help file 'CALC.HLP' and the help
code file 'CALC.INC' which is generated by MAKEHELP.EXE. All other rights are
reserved. Any entity providing a copy of this set of files may charge a fee
for reproduction of this set of files. The copyrights on the additional
sources provided because of registration are not waived.
This program is not in the public domain. If you use it on programs you are
distributing, you should send me some money for it. This could encourage me
to develop other programs. You have three options. Send a little money to
ask questions. Send a little more money and I will thank you, and I'll send
you something back in return. Send even more money and I'll send you the
source to this program.
If you have any questions about the program, send a self-addressed, stamped
envelope and $1.25 per question and I'll answer them. Or send $1.50 per
question and your return address and I'll respond. If you want a copy of the
latest version of this program, send $1.50. (Indicate if you want 5 1/4" or
3.5" disk; for 3 1/2", say if you want 360K or 720K.) If you send an E-Mail
code for Internet, Relaynet, Fidonet or WWIVNET I may respond electronically.
If you want to register this program, send $9.95. This gets you a thank you
and the next version if one comes out. I will also send you the additional
code I use to generate pop-up windows and fast screen updates. You may also
obtain up to 3 questions by mail at no charge; I send you the prepaid post-
cards and I will respond in the same manner. You can also get more than the
first 3 questions answered by sending an envelope, your question and 20c for
return postage. You may send up to five questions by electronic mail. Please
note if you got this program from a shareware disk distributor that I don't
get any money out of their diskette charge.
If you send $15.00 or more, you get the $9.95 prize, plus unlimited electronic
mail support, plus the source code to MAKEHELP, plus the special source for
the hypertext help package, allowing the use of HUGE help files which are too
big to keep in memory.
Payment of a registration includes the right to unlimited use of the program
but does not include the right to make copies of the source to it for others.
If you wish to include the source to MAKEHELP in an application or compiler,
write or send an electronic mail message for details, or if you want a special
version for a different language. ALL PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE IF THERE
Persons who register this program who are eligible to use telephone support
may do so in lieu of mail support. Return responses will be by mail or
electronic mail, fax or telephone depending on the size of the response.
In place of receiving a response by mail, you may receive a response by
facsimile if you supply your fax number.
Send payments to
Paul Robinson
C/O Tansin A. Darcos & Company
P O Box 70970
Washington, DC 20024
My electronic mail addresses will be given out with the receipt for payment.
I am on the FIDONET, RELAYNET, INTERNET, WWIVNET networks and several national
and local BBSs.